Vacuum pressure chamber VPT-135
Vacuum pressure chamber enables processing and testing of samples at elevated temperatures and at operating pressures ranging from 0.1 to 13 bar abs. The chamber can be used in both vertical and horizontal positions. In the latter, stainless steel containers can be utilized, into which samples can be inserted and/or filled with liquid. Smaller containers can be used simultaneously. Examples of chamber applications: Vacuum pressure impregnation of liquids into porous materials; Processing materials at elevated temperatures and/or in a vacuum; Disinfection at elevated temperature and pressure. Procedures can also be performed in different atmospheres (e.g., N2, CO2, Ar).

Technical specifications:
  • operating pressure: 0.1 – 13 bar abs.
  • operating temperature: from room temperature up to 250 °C
  • chamber material: Stainless steel (AISI 304)
  • internal dimensions: Ø 400 mm × 1100 mm
  • max sample dimensions: approx. Ø 350 × 1060 mm
  • dimensions of stainless steel containers (L×W×H):           1 piece - 1080 x 217 x 20 mm,
1 piece - 1080 x 217 x 300 mm,
2 pieces - 530 x 217 x 300 mm,
2 pieces - 250 x 217 x 300 mm.

Contact Person: Rožle Repič, mag. inž. les., rozle.repic@zag.si, GSM: 031 253 408.

The equipment is co-financed in the share of 60% by ARRS (ARIS) within the framework of the Public Tender for the co-financing of purchases of research equipment (Package 18).
Access to the equipment is possible by prior agreement. The price of the investigation depends on its complexity.