Mercury Porosimeter Autopore IV 9510
Autopore IV 9510 characterizes a material porosity by applying various levels of pressure to a sample immersed in mercury. The pressure intrudes mercury into the sample pores is inversely proportional to the size of the pores. The equipment works within the pressure range from almost zero up to 414 MPa, which makes it possible to measure pore diameters 360 - 0.003 µm. Data resolution is better than 0.1 mL for mercury intrusion and extrusion volumes. Parameters that can be determined: total pore volume, pore size distribution, percent porosity, density of the material, transport properties of the pore structure.

Contact: Lina Završnik (lina.zavrsnik@zag.si

Oprema zaradi rokovanja s Hg ni splošno dostopna. Uporablja jo lahko le za to usposobljena in pooblaščena oseba. Pogoji dostopa (cena in čas) se oblikujejo glede na število meritev in zahtevnost vzorca individualno za vsakega naročnika. Oprema je bila kupljena v sklopu paketa 13.
Due to the handling of Hg, the equipment is not widely available. It can only be used by a qualified and authorized person. The conditions of access (price and time) are formed according to the number of measurements and the complexity of the sample individually for each client. The equipment was bought within ARIS package 13