Camera for recording infrared images
The FLIR ThermaCAM SC640 IR camera is an infrared camera designed for non-contact measurement of surface temperatures. The camera works on the principle of capturing infrared images. With its help, it is possible to detect differences in the surface temperatures of the observed object, as it has a resolution of 640 × 480 points, and it is possible to observe objects with a surface temperature of up to 1500°C. In addition to recording infrared images, it can also be used to record infrared film. Both can be subsequently analyzed in detail using the FLIR Tools software. The most typical and frequent use of the camera is to locate thermal bridges on the building envelope, but it can also be used to detect various installations on the building that cause differences in the heat flow and higher surface temperatures in the building elements (e.g. underfloor heating). One of the more recent application options is the search for concrete delaminations on infrastructure facilities.