DIMESEE-2. Dubrovnik International ESEE Mining School - Implementing innovations
DIM ESEE v.2 is a RIS lifelong learning (LLL) project focused on rising innovativeness within RM professionals in the ESEE region, having impact beyond and above the duration of the project. Targeted region lacks LLL courses for RM professionals (with the exception of obligatory, low-regulated educations for professionals related to safety, working in explosive environment etc.) whereas at the same time classical higher education system with outdated curricula have very little ability to follow development trends and adsorb new innovative and advanced tools and methodologies, reflecting in lower innovativeness rate of their students and alumnus – RM professionals.
The project lasts for 4 years and is developing four innovative workshops, 3 days each, for a total of 120+ professionals: Innovation in exploration (2021), Innovation in process-oriented orebody characterization (2022), Innovation in extraction (2023), and Innovation in ore processing (2024). Innovation workshops are going to be implemented in Interuniversity Centre of Dubrovnik. Participating RIS Universities will collaborate in preparation of the joint spin-off workshops for RM PhD and MSc students, using prepared materials of the primary Innovation workshops.
2021/01/01 - 2025/03/31
EIT Raw Materials