RENOINVEST - Roundtables enhancing smart investments in sustainable renovation of buildings
The project is intended to address the challenges and opportunities for sustainable building renovation shared among three CE countries: Austria, Hungary, and Slovenia, which stem from the common historical and economical traditions, as well as similar building stock and construction industry culture manifested in building practice.
Within the project action plans to support smart investments in sustainable renovation of buildings for the period between 2025 and 2030 for the participating three countries will be developed. To achieve this objective, the RENOINVEST project will establish national roundtables thus promoting open dialog among key financial, private, and public experts. Working groups of experts will tackle different topics and work on identifying barriers to the upscaling of long-term financing instruments and propose improvements. Therefore, the assessment of implementation of the long-term building renovation strategies and reviewing the existing financial solutions as well as market conditions is an important starting point of the project.
Fostering international cross-border cooperation, the project envisions three international events to enable sharing knowledge among project partners, experts, national stakeholders, and similar EU projects. It will also serve as a platform for showcasing good practices and elaborate case studies.
2023/10/01 - 2026/03/01