ROAD3P - Extending Horizons Ambitiously and Dynamically through Project Office Support
The project is aimed at strengthening the support environment of project offices in Public research organisations, which are an essential part of the activities related to calls for proposals and implementation of projects under centralised EU programmes, with a focus on Horizon Europe calls and projects. The objective of the call for proposals is to strengthen the role, position and performance of Slovenian public research organisations in the context of centralised EU programmes by improving the support environment for the preparation of quality proposals, by strengthening the competences of the staff working in the project offices or the supportive environment of the public research organisations, and by significantly enhancing the level of competence of potential applicants, thus optimising the scope of the work tasks and the necessary support within the public research organisations. Within the project, the 6 partners will establish 5 project support offices and implement networking and capacity-building activities for the partner institutions. Among the events that will contribute to the achievement of the objectives will be project writing workshops, national information events, good practice transfer events, business events, project administration workshops and RMA networking events. ZAG acts as coordinator.
2023/04/19 - 2023/06/30
Projekt sofinancirata Republika Slovenija, Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in inovacije ter Evropska unija – NextGeneration EU prek nacionalnega Načrta za okrevanje in odpornost