Webinar #3: Energy efficiency and sustainability of the built environment with the BUILDCHAIN system


We cordially invite you to the Webinar #3: Energy efficiency and sustainability of the built environment with the BUILDCHAIN system

Date & Time: Apr 26, 2023 10:00 AM
The built environment is facing several critical issues that are affecting our economy, environment, and our social well-being. From climate change and greenhouse gas emissions to inefficient energy use and resident disruption, there is an urgent need to address these challenges and create a safer, more sustainable future. To achieve this goal, stakeholders from across the built environment must come together to develop innovative solutions and implement effective strategies. These include incentivizing energy efficiency and demand-side management, decarbonization, leveraging data and technology to optimize building performance, and fostering transparency and collaboration across the value chain. Join us in this webinar to learn how through collective action and a commitment to sustainability, we can create a built environment that is resilient, equitable, and environmentally sustainable.
You can find more about the content and registration at the link

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