Projekt L2-50046

Naslov in šifra projekta / GA no.


Vrednotenje in izboljšanje požarne učinkovitosti sistemov stavbnega ovoja s poudarkom na sistemih etics

Assessing and improving the fire performance of building envelope systems – with a focus on etics systems

Partnerji projekta in njihovi logotipi

Vodja projekta:
Grunde Jomaas

Vodja projekta na ZAG:
Grunde Jomaas

Trajanje projekta: 1.10.2023 – 30.9.2026

Višina financiranja:

1815 ur cenovne kategorije D letno in 100 020 € od sofinancerja ROCKWOOL

1815 hours of cost category D annually and 100 020 € from co-financer ROCKWOOL

Povzetek projekta SI:

Zagotavljanje požarne varnosti v stavbah z velikim številom uporabnikov je ključno za doseganje trajnostnih ciljev po vsej Evropi. Nesreča v stolpnici Grenfell Tower je pokazala potrebo po izboljšanju znanja o požarno varnih ovojih stavb. Najpogostejše vrste fasad so ETICS, votle stene in prezračevane fasade. Izboljšana požarna varnost stavbnih ovojev bi morala temeljiti na boljšem razumevanju možnih načinov odpovedi v uporabljanih sistemih. Ta raziskovalni projekt se bo osredotočil na razvoj iterirajočega preskusnega postopka za doseganje celovitega razumevanja požarnega obnašanja fasadnih sistemov. Cilj projekta je utirati pot k varnejšemu in bolj trajnemu grajenemu okolju z manjšo porabo energije.

Povzetek projekta EN:

The most common type of facades used in new construction and renovation projects are ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite System, 65%), cavity walls (19%) and ventilated facades (12%). ETICS systems are also the predominant type of façades installed in Slovenia for renovation of existing buildings and for new constructions. Considering the significant market of ETICS systems throughout Europe, along with the fire risk associated with façade systems, it is of great priority for the society and research community to increase the understanding of the fire behaviour of ETICS. The project will carry out an extensive experimental study that combines large-scale and mid-scale experiments to identify the sensitivity to failure of ETICS systems in a fire scenario.

Project phases and description of implementation (work packages)

Work Package No Title of the work package Work Description
WP 0 Project management
WP 1 Preparation of the test programme Analysis of the data provided by the industrial partner, and from other sources, in a consistent manner. This WP will provide important detailed information to design the test programme.
WP 2 Performance of large-scale tests Several large-scale tests, following the new European standard, will be carried out under the large hood in the ZAG-FRISSBE laboratory. Four ETICS systems will be instrumented and tested. The data will serve as a basis for the following round of mid-scale and large-scale tests.
WP 3 Performance of mid-scale tests The mid-scale tests will be carried out in this WP with the same system as in the previous WP. The data obtained in this WP will allow quantifying the failure mode of the system and can help establish comparisons with the previous data obtained in WP2.
WP 4 Large-scale test validation and analysis of the sensitivity of the failure mode Based on the data and results obtained in WP2 and WP3, the sensitivity of the failure mode can be validated with the large-scale test to be executed in this WP.
WP 5 Repetition mid-scale and large-scale tests (refinement) A second loop (and possible a third) of experiments would be required to further refine the sensitivity the failure mode of the ETICS systems.
WP 6 Dissemination and further exploitation Once the data is collected and results are analysed, the exploitation of the generated data requires planning on the possible outcomes and exploitation of data. In addition, decisions will be made on what part of the results will be published and/or patented. Open science policy will be respected.