Summer School

1st International 2024 Summer School – 2nd Announcement

In situ techniques in preservation of built heritage, 2nd – 4th July 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Experience science, heritage, and a fun get-together all in three days.

Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute offers multidisciplinary summer school, covering multiple-scale non-invasive techniques for assessment and in situ characterization of heritage. A wide range of international experts dealing with sensitive heritage material will provide various cutting-edge lectures for future-led approaches in heritage science.

The 1st International 2024 Summer School will be held in person in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with no admission fee. Undergraduate and doctoral students, early-age researchers, and established experts as well as all interested in the topic are invited. The school will be based on lectures, experimental presentations, guided tour with a presentation of techniques, and social events.

The deadline for registration is June 3rd, 2024.

Come, deepen your knowledge, expand your international networks, and make this summer an unforgettable experience in Slovenia with a taste of heritage.

More information can be found her sHERezad Summer school: Programme (en, link) / Program (slo, link).

Registration: link  Travel info: (link)  No registration fee is required.

For more information please contact:

Organizing committee:

Sabina Dolenec, Andreja Pondelak, Ana Brunčič, Katarina Šter, and Maruša Mrak

 Organization of summer school is supported by:

  • ARIS research project No. J2-4424 – An integrated approach for conservation of cultural heritage wall paintings
  • ARIS research core funding No. P2-0273 – Building structures and materials
  • ARIS research core funding No. I0-0032 – Testing of Materials and Structures
  • ARIS Bilateral project Slovenia-Croatia (BI-HR/23-24-015): Durability study of bronze protection for outdoor application
  • European research infrastructure for heritage science – Slovenia
  • Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute research stable founding and sHERezad: Sustainable built heritage

Horizontalna raziskovalna skupina ZAG sHERezad: Trajnostna grajena dediščina

Doc. dr. Sabina Dolenec, kons.-rest.

Slovenija razpolaga z bogato in raznoliko dediščino, ki je v svojem jedru zelo povezana z grajenim okoljem vasi, trgov in mest, znotraj njih pa s posameznimi obstoječimi objekti. Sodobni trendi, kot je Novi Evropski Bauhaus (NEB) in tudi zahteve Zelenega dogovora odpirajo možnosti in podpirajo zmožnosti, de se prepoznavne dediščinske vrednote prenesejo tudi v gradnjo novih objektov.

Pri razumevanju in ohranjanju dediščine ter njeni trajnostni rabi so zato ključnega pomena njeno evidentiranje, dokumentiranje, preučevanje, vključevanje v sodobno življenje, omogočanje dostopnosti, izobraževanje in popularizacija.


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